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2024-06-11 16:39:06   
正值林顿学院录取季,林顿学子Ruohong Yin也于近日斩获多伦多大学、劳瑞尔大学和南安普顿大学offer,祝贺他!

Ruohong Yin于2023年加入林顿学院,“起初,我面临许多困难和挑战;我不熟悉语法,也不知道如何完成完整的作业。在这段适应期内,我的班主任和学术顾问提供了巨大的帮助和照顾。每当我遇到困难和挫折时,你总是鼓励和支持我,帮助我重获力量。”Ruohong Yin表示,在他的整个高中旅程中,林顿专业授课老师扮演了至关重要的角色。”他们的温暖和善良,以及对学生们的关心,帮助我们顺利地度过了学习和生活的每一个阶段。”

Ruohong Yin感谢信:

Dear Lynden High School,

I am writing this letter to express my profound gratitude to all the teachers at Linton. Throughout my life journey, teachers have played an essential role.

In 2023, I was fortunate enough to join Linton College. Initially, I faced many difficulties and challenges; I was unfamiliar with grammar and didn't know how to complete a full assignment. During this period of adaptation, my homeroom teacher and academic advisors provided immense help and care. Whenever I encountered difficulties and setbacks, you always encouraged and supported me, helping me to regain my strength. Your warmth and kindness, along with your constant consideration for the students, helped us smoothly transition through every stage of our learning and life.

Finally, I want to once again express my most sincere gratitude to all the teachers at Linton College who have helped me. You are outstanding educators and excellent individuals. Your work and dedication will forever be etched in my heart. Thank you for everything you have done for me, and I wish you all the best.


Ruohong Yin



林顿学院拥有强大的师资力量,所有教师都是安省教师协会认证的持牌教师,任课教师也均是执教多年的资深教师,保证了教师的专业性,力求对每一位学生做到因材施教。精致的小班教学更容易关注到每一位学生的特点和个性,为师生创造了一个宽松的课堂环境。Lynden School除了9-12年级的课程之外,也提供大学先修课程(AP)考试、ESL语言课程、SAT课程、托福、雅思和广受欢迎的夏令营,学校注重培养学生们的体育爱好,关注每一位学生的个性化成长。






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